Villas & Sanctuary Homeowners Meeting
January 20, 2016
Q & A
Q: For Heartland Crossing Foundation, the Reserve account is $474,000.00. Shouldn’t we have $1,000,000.00?
A: We commissioned a Reserve Study in 2015 to get that answer. We started with $0 in Reserves in 2008 and have been able to build our Reserves without raising the Master Association Dues. The Reserve Study shows over the next 30 years we will spend $3,160,999.00 in Reserve Expenses (Improvements). Each year varies in estimated expenses, but the average expense per year over that 30 year period would be $105, 366.63. The Reserve Study shows a range of yearly balances due to varying expenses each year. The Reserve study shows a balance of $840,727.00 in 2019 and a balance as low as $186,172.00 in 2031 and working its way back up to a balance of $1,061,411 in 2046. According to the Reserve Study, we are currently in great shape.
Q: Some homeowners in the Villas feel more of their dues are being spent on Heartland, not the Villas. Is there a way to get a breakdown of where our expenses are going?
A: Villas residents pay $510.00 per quarter. $91.25 of that goes to the Heartland budget, the other $418.75 goes into the Villas Budget. This means $365.00 of your dues goes to Heartland each year and $1,675.00 goes to the Villas each year. Yes, we will break down expenses to help show where your money goes. This will be available at the next meeting.
Q: There are issues with the quality of our lawns. Can the landscaping focus more on the Villas and not the Boulevard?
A: (Answer from a Villas homeowner): the quality of our yard has to do with the soil and the way the yard was put in when we built the house. There were rocks and trash and other items in our yards and then they tried to grow grass on top of that.
(Answer from HOA): The money spent on the Boulevard comes from the Heartland Budget which is separate from the Villas. Our current lawn care provider has taken steps to improve the lawns in the Villas, but keep in mind that they aren’t working with the best quality soil to start. At the request of Villas homeowners, they have used walk-behind type mowers instead of riding mowers. No other company would do this for us. They have also done multiple free services for the Villas. We welcome any and all suggestions to aide in the improvement of your lawns. Multiple Villas residents have claimed that this is the best their lawns have looked in years.
Q: Wasn’t last year’s Surplus $75,000.00
A: No. The 2014 Financials were passed out at last year’s Homeowners Meeting and they show $34,000.00
Q: Why aren’t more homes being painted?
A: All homes in the Villas were put on a painting schedule. This was meant to be a guideline. The committee, made up of Villas homeowners, evaluates the homes each year. They make the determination on whether a home should be painted or not. Originally, the sales people told homeowners that their homes would be painted every 5 years. This can be done, but it is costly and that cost is paid by you, the homeowner. Instead, at the approval of the Villas homeowners, we started using a “Duration” type paint that is long lasting and claims to last 25 years. We anticipate it will last 12-15 years. This will cut expenses dramatically as the labor is the main expense in painting, not the paint. If you disagree with the committee and believe your home should be painted, we can set up a meeting with you and the committee to discuss it.
Q: If maintenance was done yearly and painting done more often, wouldn’t it decrease the issues like rotting wood.
A: Yes. Since we took over in 2008 we have replaced a lot of rotted wood. That is why we set up the painting schedule to make sure everyone was painted as part of a schedule. The committee looks at the homes and would not skip a home if it was in such need of paint that it could cause the wood to rot.
Q: Is the snow removal just going to do main thorough fares? Is it mainly going to focus on the Boulevard?
A: Snow Removal is done when there is a snowfall of greater than 2 inches, although there are circumstances where it is more beneficial to salt than plow. Like all city and county plowing and all plowing experts will advise, the main thorough fares are treated first. Prior to 2008, there were instances where the Boulevard had to be shut down because it was not treated. In the interest of safety for our residents, the Boulevard is our first priority as it is the most dangerous stretch of road in our community.
Note: Our snow plow contractor notes that people drive way to fast in the snow and doing the Boulevard is important to get people in and out of Heartland.
Q: Why was there no Reserve Fund before M Group took over.
A: While we can’t say for certain, it appears that nearly all of the construction repairs were band-aid like repairs, which meant greater frequency on repairs and higher costs. One small example is that the old management company used to replace light bulbs on coach lights every couple months and charge you for it. We put in long lasting bulbs and now do it every couple years, thus saving hundreds on just one small item.
Q: There is a home with algae/mildew on the siding.
A: We will spray it this spring.
Q: Who decides who builds the homes within Heartland?
A: The Developers office.
Q: Are there plans for building more homes in the Villas?
A: None that we are aware of right now.
Q: Homeowners with NO Soliciting signs are still being solicited by Xfinity, AT&T, DirecTV and they are aggressive and pushy.
A: Call the Morgan County non-emergent number (765-342-5544) and call Security at (866-759-9030). Tell security that you have a no soliciting sign and ask security to trespass this person. Tell the solicitor that you have a No Soliciting sign and that you are calling the police.
Q: Is there a way to make the pools more adult friendly?
A: There are adult swim times every hour for 10 minutes. The pools are for the enjoyment of everyone in the community and therefore is not restricted. There are times throughout the day that are more favorable to adults than others.
Q: Putting green is unkempt as it has weeds.
A: The putting green used to be maintained by the golf course, but is not any longer. It is expensive to maintain as a putting green and therefore is caught between being maintained as a putting green and just grass?
Q: Can we have a doggie waste station in the Sanctuary?
A: Yes